If you need to know the answer to some or all of these questions then give us a call on 01392 479100 or email us on info@starlettings.com as we love to talk about all aspects of the student market.
- Why should be invest in a student property over a residential property?
- If we buy a student property in Exeter what areas of the city should be consider?
- What legislation should we be aware of when investing in a HMO?
- If we buy a property that is a currently a family home, can we let it out to students as a HMO?
- How much rent would we look to achieve?
- Is there a standard size for rooms?
- How much would I pay for a student investment?
- Is there a popular size property that is most sought after?
- What is Article 4?
- If we buy a 6 bed student property, how many bathrooms and what cooking facilities would I need to provide?
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